Wednesday, June 27, 2012

More Service in Adelaide (Friday, 6/22-Wednesday 6/27)

On Friday, I prepared a story and the game for the kids club. There were about eight kids that came and this was the Kids Club and they enjoyed both the story and the game. Also we had Youth Group and that was a lot of fun. We finished up the 12 part series of Bible Truths on DVD with the last topic dealing with the Return of Christ. We can say that Christ is coming soon and all Christians (those who put their trust in Jesus Christ and their Savior) shall be on the victorious side and that the tribulation will be rough.

On Saturday, I got to help clean the church Pastor Honeychurch and his wife. I got to clean most of the gym which was not cleaned for at least a couple of months. I got to vacuum the whole gym floor and it looks so much cleaner than it was before.

 I got to preach at Southwest Baptist Church on the Sunday Evening Service. I was preaching from 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 how God comforts in all our trials so that we may comfort others by pointing them to God, by being a blessing to others by not quitting, by praying for others, and by giving thanks to those who prayed for you. My sermon can be summarized by these 8 words.

Praise God, Don’t quit, Pray, and Give Thanks.

I thank God for the opportunity and the strength that he gave me to preach that night.

On Monday, I assisted the Pastor to replace the new words on the new church sign. It might seem to be a small job. However God is pleased for us to do jobs even that may seem insignificant. Jesus Christ put himself low and was willing to jobs such as washing his disciples’ feet and spending time with children.

On Tuesday, I got to go to the senior couple house. Pastor and I helped the couple to prune their fruit trees at their backyard. After that, the Pastor left me with the couple and the man of the couple took me to go with him to visit a couple of families. Throughout the day, he shared with me a lot of things about his life and how He praised God for leading his life from the time of his salvation (from 21 years old). We had a good conversation.

That evening, the Evangelist Frasier Young and his wife came to Pastor’s house to have dinner together. This is the one who is going to be preaching at the teen camp next week. I went to the Adult Bible Study that night and the Evangelist preached that night. I was challenged and encouraged by his message.

Wednesday, I got to hike up to Mount Lofty which is a four kilometer hike up to the mountain. I tried to get up as fast as I can and the hike got really tough when I got up to the steep hills. I got to hike with the Pastor’s son Aaron and his wife and his sister-in-law. It was a fun hike and we got to hike all the way down on the same path. On the way down, I got some pictures of some cool pictures especially the waterfalls.

Update Prayers:
  1. Continue to pray for the camp that the God will work in all of us that we would all draw closer to Him.
  2. Pray for Traver and Amy Freeman for their travel safety to Australia and that Lord gives them opportunities to witness as they make their way to Australia. They will also be at teen camp as well. (I am looking forward to see them soon.
  3. Pray for me that I am starting to learn a new language on my own. I don't know what path this will lead me. Pray for me that if it is the Lord's will that I can learn this language to used in His ministry. I would like to eventually learn several languages. This language is Japanese.

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