Thursday, June 7, 2012

Teaching, teaching, and teaching (Monday, 6/7-Thursday, 6/10

Hello again,
I have taught a class on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and two on Wednesday. I never taught that many times before. The LORD was with me and gave me strength in every teaching. I thank God for it.

Monday-Went-worth Bible Club

I taught another animal story at the Bible club today and that went well. I have noticed a few of the kids were getting naughty while Pastor Steve Maldoff was teaching his Bible lesson. I am training myself in disciplining children. Disciplining children is the area that I want grow especially if I am going to work with little children (2-5 year olds) as well as being a good parent. I showed my sad and angry face to the kids communicating them that I am disappointed for their naughtiness. I made them sit with me at back row for a period of time. The kids had good reception to my discipline. I am glad. Eight kids came to the Bible club and it was just me, Pastor Maldoff, and one other man  that ran the Bible Club. When I get back to the Maldoff's house, I saw one of their dogs pee pool so I cleaned it up. You can look at my face to see how I feel about cleaning the floor.

Tuesday-Mildura Christian College

I got to watch first Steve Maldoff teach his three classes before he taught mine. Again, the Kindgarten and 1st grade class was my favorite class. We got to move around a lot in that class. We all spread across the room pretending that we are in our tents waiting for manna, birds, and water. I took a couple of pictures and even a video of what we did in the class.

I got to teach the last Bible class which were contains students that are in fifth, sixth, and seventh grade. I taught for a forty minutes about Turning Point in the book of Mark how Jesus Christ reveals himself that He is the Christ, the Messiah, and the Son of God. This was my first time that I have ever taught a class. I got to teach for forty minutes. I have to say time flies really quickly when you teach. I enjoyed it.

Wednesday-Buronga and Gol Gol Public School.

I rode with both Pastor Steve and Christy Maldoff to both of the public schools. At Buronga, I watched Mrs. Christy Maldoff to teach two classes (Kindergarteners and 1st grade). At Golgol-I got to teach the 2nd grade class of about 15-20 students about God giving a threefold promise to Abraham. After that, I watched Pastor Steve Maldoff teaching his 30 5th-6th graders in that school. We were all done with our teaching right before lunch time and I finished preparing my Teen Bible Study for that night.

Wednesday-Teen Bible Study

There were four teens that were at the Teen Bible Study that night. This was my last teaching for the week and the Philippians study was by far my favorite teaching. I went through Philippians 1:9-11 how God wants us to grow our love for wisdom. One of my objectives in this Bible study is to get these teenagers to think. I want them to get to the point how they can apply the word of God in their hearts. I am very pleased to see one of them in my group has already a good understanding of this Bible study. The others seem to get the grasp of the lesson. Pray for me that I will work one my next lesson for the Bible study for next week and that God will work in my heart and hearts of the teenagers that we will all grow closer in love with God.

Thursday-The Day of Rest

I ran around the city of Mildura for exercise that morning and babysit Maldoff's daugthers in the evening as well as working on my updates.

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