The Maldoff's

Steven and Christy Maldoff moved to Australia in October 2003.  They live in the rural community of Buronga, New South Wales (just outside of Mildura, Victoria).  It is here that they have established the Murray River Baptist Church, which was started in February 2004.  Over the past 8 years, the Lord has allowed them to be involved in many different community outreaches by which to share the good news of Jesus Christ.  Their current ministries include being involved in two weekly Kids Club programs, teaching Bible to all grades in the local Christian school, as well as being involved in teaching Religious Education in two public schools. 
The church has grown to include many different ministries such as both weekly Men and Women bible studies, Teen Bible Studies, extensive Discipleship programs, evangelistic Christianity Explained programs, and various outreaches in the community such as hosting Christmas and Easter outdoor programs in which the gospel is shared. 

The Maldoff's have three kids, Sarah (age 13), Emily (age 10) and Abigail (age 7).

Steven Maldoff writes a biweekly E-mail update. If you would like to receive those updates, write him at to be put on his mailing list. Below is a copy if his most recent update.

Sunday, April 29th, 2012

Greetings everyone!

Upcoming throughout the month of May, there is a renewed focus on evangelism and outreach.  An emphasis upon encouraging folks to share their faith by creating opportunties to do such has been a major thrust of the ministry for the past few weeks.  We are encouraging folks to host what we have called "Matthew Meals".  Taken from the disciple Matthew, who on the day that Jesus called him to follow, hosted a meal at his house for his co-workers and friends.
We are challenging the church folks to do that very thing - invite their co-workers and friends over for a meal, with the intended purpose of steering conversation into such a was as to talk about the Lord. 

As a result of encouraging the church, a few folks have already stepped up to do this.  It is exciting to hear of these folks sharing their faith to others.  Many others are looking for those to invite.  Evangelism is a mindset, and we are glad to help see people get into this mindset.  Please pray with us as there will be many conversations regarding Christ being hosted throughout the month.  Of course, our desire is that it will not just be a month, but that it is a start to a lifetime of folks sharing and talking with others about Jesus.

I want to also give an update on a situation that I mentioned a few email updates previous.  I wrote about a lady who's husband came with her to attend our Kids Club program where we discussed Noah's ark and fossil evidence supporting the flood.  After being in attendance, the husband then decided that neither she nor the children could attend the Kids Club again.  Since this happened a few months ago, this lady has only been able to attend one other time by herself. 
To our suprise, she was back in our Wednesday bible study this past week, along with her kids!  Of course, we were extremely excited to see them back and wondered what was going on.  In hearing the story, it was amazing to see how God was working.
This family's eldest daughter (age 12) endured some extreme seizures one day at school.  (there is a history of this medical condition).  On this day though, the seizure was a bit more intense than normal and ended up with her having to go to the hospital.  While the mom was sitting at the hospital with her daughter, the dad arrives later on, with a Bible in his hand.  He hands it to his wife, and mentions that he thought she may want to read it during this difficult time. This was on a Monday, and then on Wednesday, the family was allowed the freedom to attend the Bible study/Kids' Club. 
Obviously, all that is going on in his life, is causing him to relook at his refusal to allow anything about "God-stuff" in the home.  Whatever is going through his mind, it is still an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work.  If you remember, please join us in prayer regarding this situation.  I am 100% convinced that the night he attended the service a few months ago that the seed of the Word of God was planted in his heart.  Later that night, the seed was snatched away by the Wicked One.  And thusly, the dramatic turnaround of refusing for any more spiritual things in the home.  It is our true desire that the Holy Spirit will work in him. 

Thanks for all the encouragement via email that is sent to us.  We do appreciate hearing from those that are praying for us and concerned about what goes on out here.  Thank you very much.

Until next time,

Steven Maldoff

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