Thursday, May 31, 2012

Over-viewing the Various Ministries (Monday, 5/28-Thursday, 5/31)

Hello again from Australia,

I thank God for the various opportunities that I get to serve to these children and teenagers in various ministries.  Here is a brief overview of the various ministries I was in.

Monday-Wentworth Bible Club

I stayed with Pastor Maldoff's house that day to prepare my animal story for Bible Club.. I had to make a Powerpoint Presentation as visual for my story so the children could follow along the story. There were five of us that worked with the Bible Club including Pastor Maldoff and I. There were ten children in the Bible club. Pastor Maldoff gave the lesson about the overview of the Big Problem of sin and the Big Promise of coming of the Messiah. We have this Bible club running every Monday and in the last week of my trip, we are going to have a five day of Bible Club with the kids.

Tuesday-Mildura Christian College (Observed)

I rode on the car with Pastor Steve Maldoff to the Christian school. I was in school for the whole time and I watched Pastor Maldoff teach all the Bible classes from the Kindergarteners all the way up to grade 10. Every Tuesday he teaches four classes and the Kindergarten class was personally my favorite class mainly because I enjoyed watching how he teaches the class :) (He was very energetic and humorous). I will be teaching in one of these classes next semester. I did recognize a lot of students from last year.

Wednesday-Gol Gol Public School (Observed)

I got to observe two classes in this public school both taught by Pastor Steve Maldoff. He taught first a second grade class and then another sixth grade class. I liked the sixth grade class because the kids seem to be interested in the Bible lesson which is in this case the reasons why Pastor Maldoff believes that Christ is resurrected from the dead which is true. I will also be teaching a class in a public school either at Gol Gol or at Buronga.

Wednesday-Teen Bible Study

Today was my first day I led my Bible Study. I am going over in the series of the book of Philippians. There were five people in my Bible study today including Pastor's oldest daughter Sarah. The Lord blessed the Bible study. One of the teens said to me that she was encouraged by the teen Bible study. Praise the Lord.


I got to clean the storage room that Mrs. Maldoff use. I worked in that room all afternoon. The Maldoffs appreciate me for taking the opportunity to clean up the storage room. After that, I spent the rest of the night babysitting the three Maldoff's girls while their parents are in a meeting for foster parents. Overall, today has been a relaxing day for me. But I have a lot of things to prepare for this upcoming week. Thanks for your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi cousin!!! So good to read your posts and also to know that you are doing well!! God is definitely leading and guiding you in everyway! Miss you. (Gloria)
