Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Good News from the Maldoff's

Here is a letter from the Maldoff's family of how the Lord is using this church lately for this one man who came to Christ.

Greetings all!

With this update, I want to share a tremendous blessiing.  It is going to be about the salvation of a gentleman that many have worked with for MANY, MANY years.  After all this time, and much prayer, we are able to rejoice in his salvation.

The gentleman is the husband of someone who attends our church.  I knew this guy when we moved into town, and though he would attend church with his Christian wife, he would always remain adamently against Christianity.  Much prayer was lifted up on his behalf.  I have personally tried for many years in opening up conversations regarding Christ, but he would always just say that "he couldn't see it".  He was a newspaper reporter and he would always state that his investigative sense would always make him go against Christianity/spiritual things/ God, etc. 
I tried giving books like "Case for Christ" written by a former investigative reporter for him to consider, but even after reading he would reject it all.   Throughout all of this, his wife would faithfully attend church, and serve the Lord.  Our church so desired to see this man come to understand his need for Jesus.  Of course, all souls are precious, but if we are honest, there are some that we really desire to come to the Lord a bit more passionately.

In December 2011, this man lost his job at the newspaper.  He, of course, was devastated.  I met with him for coffee one day, and talked to him about how the church would help with some food items for the family with the now loss of income.  He was extremely touched by this.  We chatted about his need for a new job, but with the Christimas holidays happening (he lost his job Dec. 21), he didn't see anything happening until the new year at the earliest.  Yet, he was going to put out job applications so that he would "be on file".

That afternoon after he returned home from our lunch, he received a phone call from a newspaper in Melbourne.  They wanted to talk with him about a possible job opening.  Of course, the man was excited and he rang me.  I told him, that if the Lord was to allow him to get a job so quickly, that he needed to remember the verse found in Romans 2:4 "or despisest thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?"  I told him that if God was to bestow His goodness by allowing this gentleman to get a job so quickly, that he needed to recognize that God is good to us so that people can be drawn to Him with a heart of repentance. 

A week later, and he got hired at this job, which was better paying and a better position.  I met with him again and reminded him of the verse.  He shared with me that he recognized that this could not be a coincidence, but that it had to be something much more than that.  He would entertain the thought of God. 

In continuing to chat with this man over the months that past, it was quite noticeable that this man kept pondering about God, and his own need for Jesus.  This led to last week, where I was talking to him and he mentioned something about his "Christian duty".  I paused and asked him why would he talk about him doing something out of a Christian duty, and he confessed that he has come to realize that there is a God that is personally interested in him, loves him, and so desires a relationship with him.  He recognizes that that relationship is built in the work of Jesus Christ.  And he wanted to enter into the work of Christ for him. 
When I heard this, you can imagine the JOY that I experienced.  It was so exciting to hear this testimony!  He couldn't share it without tears in his own eyes.  This was one of those pieces of news that the entire church rejoiced in, as they all shared in praying for this gentleman.

I know it is a lengthy story of this man, whom you will never know this side of eternity.  But rejoice with me that you will one day get to know this man when we are all together in Heaven.  We are so thankful for the goodness of God that brought one to repentance!!!!

Until next time,

Steven Maldoff

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