Thursday, May 24, 2012

I am Here!

Thank you for your prayers. The Lord got me safely to Australia yesterday (Wed., 5/23). Also, I was able witness to some people such as my airplane seat buddies by giving them my prayer card as well as a gospel brocure. Pray that the Lord will continue to open their hearts for their need of Christ. One of my airplane seat buddies was a Christian from Australia. She just graduated from college in America and she was just flying back home in Melbourne. We had a good conversation together and shared each other's salvation testimony and our future plans. She even drew a street map for me in Melbourne since I told her that I had a 7-hour layover in Melbourne. Because of my long layover, I was able to go to do some sightseeing at Melbourne. The weather was cool and breezy. I enjoyed my travel and while I was there.

When got to Mildura, Pastor Steve Maldoff picked me and took me to his house. I helped him set up for church on Wednesday and then I waited in the house for a family to pick me up. I am staying at one of the familes from Maldoff's church Murray River Baptist Church for this first week. I had a good sleep last night. This morning Pastor Steve Maldoff picked me up and he and his wife Christy Maldoff gave me a schedule what I will be doing for the first three weeks while I am here in Mildura. For the first week I will be observing the following ministries: Sunday Service, Wentworth Bible Club (Monday), Mildura Christian College which is a Christian School from Kindergarten to 10th Grade (Tuesday), a Public School (Wednesday), and Teen Bible Study (Wednesday evening). Then for the next two weeks I will be teaching in all these ministries so I will be doing a lot of preparing and teaching. Pray for me that God will prepare me to teach to all these kids and that they will be attentive and receptive of what they will be hearing from God's word.

After that I went with Steve Maldoff out to various malls to go renew a phone and a wireless internet USB drive for me. I also did a little grocery shopping on what I may be eating for the next week or so. This evening, Steve, Christy, and their eldest daugther Sarah went to a meeting about being foster parents. So they let me in charge on babysitting their two younger daughters Emily and Abigail. First, Abigail and I did a puzzle together. Then, we three watched a movie together in the house. After that, we played video games together just before their bedtime. Every Thursday, both Steve and Christy will be out of the house Thursday evening for the meetings so I will be babysitting them every Thursday. Today was a lot of fun. This is the puzzle that Abigail and I did together.

1 comment:

  1. Amy and I will be praying for you Daniel. We are excited for you. Have a great time, serve the Lord, and give Him your best. You'll do great.

    Tell the girls hello for me.
