Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ministry Begins (Friday, 5/25-Monday, 5/27)

All Friday, I spent my time with the Maldoffs. That evening, we had a Teen Bible Study at one of the teen's house. Steve Maldoff gave a 20-25 minute devotion about the four reasons why we should pray for our food. We should pray for our food because 1) Jesus did, 2) God provided the food for us, 3) Jesus' sacrifice sets us free from the eating rules of the Mosaic law (not eating many meat), and 4) God created the food for us. I led the games that evening and we all had a lot of fun with games.

This Sunday, we had National Australia Thanksgiving Holiday. We had a special service that day about a reminder of thanksgiving. I want to give you a small challenge to write a letter or an email to one person that God used to impact your life. Tell him or her thank you for how they have impacted your life.

I am now preparing my animal story for tomorrow (Monday) at Wentworth Holiday Bible Club. Pray for me for the preparation of the this story and that it will be well presented. Pray for the program that it will go smoothly this Monday and that the hearts of the kids will open to God.

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