Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wentworth Bible Club (Monday, 7/16-Friday, 7/20)

Hello, thanks for praying for the Holiday Bible Club. We had up twenty kids that came to this Holiday Bible Club. Overall, the children enjoyed learning more about God, the Bible, and the Christian life and one child received Christ as her personal Savior. I thank God for all the staff members from church who helped out with the Bible Club. Pastor Steve and Traver helped out setting up the enthusiastic atmosphere of the Holiday Bible Club. We had one lady who started come to church recently who made plenty of good food. We were all impressed by the food. One of the food she made was bread with butter and Vegemite (made in Australia) and I enjoyed vegemite because I ate her sandwiches. The kids enjoyed also the games, the crafts, the camp theme cheer, and the songs.

They also enjoyed Cody the Bear as well.

Although it was hard for not having the Pensacola team to help out with the Bible Club, the Lord still blessed the Bible Club for what we had. Thanks again for your prayers. I am heading home soon. Although I do enjoy staying in Australia, I am ready to go back home in the states.

Pray for Traver, Amy, and I as we are about to head back to America on Monday for travel safety and God will opportunities to witness to others. Thanks again.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Back to Mildura in Preparation for Holiday Bible Club (Saturday, 7/7-Sunday 7/15)

I got to hang out with Traver and Amy the day after we came back from camp for some down time for a few days. On Monday, we slept over the other church family's home. They gave us a tour around the farm. This was my second tour in the farm. But this time I got to see sheep, hundreds of them.

This is also a sheep...what's left of it anyways.

From that day forward, it was work time. We all worked hard to prepare for the Holiday Bible Club which was less than a week a away. We had the room available on the Saturday before the Holiday Bible Club to set up all the props. We are doing a camp theme this year.

For those of you who do not know about Holiday Bible Club, it is a time where kids get to sing songs, play games, make crafts, eat snacks, listen to the Bible lesson, and earn points to get prizes. And we do all these things from Monday to Friday. We want to kids to come out the Bible club to hear God's word, have some fun, and to hear more about Murray River Baptist Church and their weekly Bible club that they do throughout the year.

I appreciate your prayers for the Holiday Bible Club...

  • That we will be prepared each day to run the program.
  • That kids will come, have fun, and learn more about the Bible.
  • That kids will get saved and commit their lives unto the Lord.
Finally on Sunday, I got to preach  on the message about comfort. If you want to listen my sermon. Here is the link. I hope this message would be an encouragement. It was certainly a encouragement to the congregation.

I am excited about this last week. I do look forward to come back home in America. Thank you so much for your care, your support, and your prayers.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Longwood Camp (Monday, 7/2-Friday, 7/6)

We camped in Longwood Camp on the Adelaide hills at Mylor, South Australia.

The camp has been amazing. There were about 60-70 people at camp. We got to play some games, see some sheep, kangaroos, and wallabies. We also played some games such as Capture the Flag, ‘Flashlight’, Uno, or Table Tennis. Also, the Lord worked in our lives through the camp. That week, Evangelist Fraser Young preached through the book of Judges. Three teenagers received Christ as their personal Savior (two of them were in my cabin). Also, many others made a renewed commitment to the Lord this week at camp.

I personally enjoyed the preaching and the fellowship that I had with these Christians. I recognized many of the campers from Winter Camp last year I was excited to spend time with them again just as they were excited to see me again.

Traver and Amy Freeman were also at camp. Both of them came to Australia with the Pensacola Team in 2009 and 2010. They are planning to go to be missionaries in Australia. They are planning to get on the field by 2015.
Kangimo, myself, Traver, and Amy
Evangelist Fraser Young

I thank God for Pastor Brenton Honeychurch and everyone else who camp to the camp. I thank God for the parents who allow their children to come to camp. I thank God for the cooks who made great camp food. I thank God for everyone else helped out such as the cabin camps who led the devotions in the cabin, and for Brett who led the services and the games. I also thanked everyone who has prayed for us for the camp. God has blessed the Great Spirit we had at camp. The bonfire on Thursday was the highlight at the camp. We got to sing, talk, pray, and share testimonies with one another.

The camp is over. I am going back to Mildura from Adelaide. Farewell Southwest Baptist Church! Part 2 of my Internship is complete. The Last part my trip is working with Holiday Bible Club with Pastor Steve Maldoff.

Prayer Requests:
  1. Preparation of Holiday Bible Club
  2. God would bring children that will draw closer to Him through the Bible Club.
  3. My Teen Bible Study on Philippians this Wednesday 7/11.
Thank you Pastor and Mrs. Honeychurch

Thanks for your prayers. (Coming Soon….The lessons that I have learned thus far in Australia)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Counting Down the Days before Camp (Thursday, 6/28-Sunday, 7/1

I am enjoying my last few days at Australia. I got to go to the Adult Bible Study on Thursday Morning. On Friday, I spend some time with one of the church families. We played several games of table tennis and then we went one of the malls nearby to get some refreshments and some sightseeing. After that, we had dinner together with the church family. I enjoyed the fellowship that I had with this family. That evening, we went to Youth Group where we got to make milkshakes. We were divided into 5 teams and to see who can make the best milkshake. It was pretty and milkshakes actually tasted pretty decent.

That night, I gave a devotion to all the people on being doers of the word and not hearers only (James 1:22-27). The key to be a doer of the word is looking continually on Jesus Christ that we may do what the word of God says. The Lord blessed with the devotion and for the rest of the night, I played basketball with the group in the gym.

On Saturday, we had Men's breakfast together where Evangelist Fraser Young gave a devotion to us. There were about twenty-five men in the breakfast and the breakfast was good. The men did a great job cooking the bacon and the egg sunny side up. After breakfast, Luke ,one of the men in the church who I have met a camp last year, took me to the Christian bookstore called the Koorong. Luke works in this bookstore. This store have a wide variety of Christian books and DVDs. I even got a few books myself.

On Sunday, Evangelist Fraser Young preached two great messages (both Sunday morning and Sunday evening)that had touched my heart and other hearts also. Also in Sunday evening, we did a men's trio for the song special God of Heaven (I played the piano). This is one of the songs that the  choir sang at Pensacola Christian College for the Horton's Diamond Jubilee Concert. I thank God that the song turned out well and that the people were blessed by the song. I said farewell to Southwest Baptist Church. Now I am on my way to camp.

Pray for us that God will work with us with each individual at camp. Thank You.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

More Service in Adelaide (Friday, 6/22-Wednesday 6/27)

On Friday, I prepared a story and the game for the kids club. There were about eight kids that came and this was the Kids Club and they enjoyed both the story and the game. Also we had Youth Group and that was a lot of fun. We finished up the 12 part series of Bible Truths on DVD with the last topic dealing with the Return of Christ. We can say that Christ is coming soon and all Christians (those who put their trust in Jesus Christ and their Savior) shall be on the victorious side and that the tribulation will be rough.

On Saturday, I got to help clean the church Pastor Honeychurch and his wife. I got to clean most of the gym which was not cleaned for at least a couple of months. I got to vacuum the whole gym floor and it looks so much cleaner than it was before.

 I got to preach at Southwest Baptist Church on the Sunday Evening Service. I was preaching from 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 how God comforts in all our trials so that we may comfort others by pointing them to God, by being a blessing to others by not quitting, by praying for others, and by giving thanks to those who prayed for you. My sermon can be summarized by these 8 words.

Praise God, Don’t quit, Pray, and Give Thanks.

I thank God for the opportunity and the strength that he gave me to preach that night.

On Monday, I assisted the Pastor to replace the new words on the new church sign. It might seem to be a small job. However God is pleased for us to do jobs even that may seem insignificant. Jesus Christ put himself low and was willing to jobs such as washing his disciples’ feet and spending time with children.

On Tuesday, I got to go to the senior couple house. Pastor and I helped the couple to prune their fruit trees at their backyard. After that, the Pastor left me with the couple and the man of the couple took me to go with him to visit a couple of families. Throughout the day, he shared with me a lot of things about his life and how He praised God for leading his life from the time of his salvation (from 21 years old). We had a good conversation.

That evening, the Evangelist Frasier Young and his wife came to Pastor’s house to have dinner together. This is the one who is going to be preaching at the teen camp next week. I went to the Adult Bible Study that night and the Evangelist preached that night. I was challenged and encouraged by his message.

Wednesday, I got to hike up to Mount Lofty which is a four kilometer hike up to the mountain. I tried to get up as fast as I can and the hike got really tough when I got up to the steep hills. I got to hike with the Pastor’s son Aaron and his wife and his sister-in-law. It was a fun hike and we got to hike all the way down on the same path. On the way down, I got some pictures of some cool pictures especially the waterfalls.

Update Prayers:
  1. Continue to pray for the camp that the God will work in all of us that we would all draw closer to Him.
  2. Pray for Traver and Amy Freeman for their travel safety to Australia and that Lord gives them opportunities to witness as they make their way to Australia. They will also be at teen camp as well. (I am looking forward to see them soon.
  3. Pray for me that I am starting to learn a new language on my own. I don't know what path this will lead me. Pray for me that if it is the Lord's will that I can learn this language to used in His ministry. I would like to eventually learn several languages. This language is Japanese.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Highlights of Adelaide (Thursday, 6/14-Thursday 6/21)

Brenton Honeychurch, the Pastor of Southwest Baptist Church from Brighton, South Australia, picked me up from the Adelaide Bus Station to his home. They have set a room available for me to sleep for the next two weeks.

I got to help out in various ministries at the church. On Friday evening, I got to lead the memory verse and a game related to the memory verse. After the Kid's club was the  Youth Group. I got to observe both the games, the devotion, and the fellowship with the Youth Group. There were about twenty people (ranging from teenagers all the way to the upper twenties). I had a lot of fun there and we end up staying at the church until late that night.

On Sunday, I got to play my saxophone during Sunday morning service and the piano on Sunday evening. The congregation size was a little bigger than Maldoff's church in Mildura. The people in the church treated have treated kindly. I recognized a lot of the people in the church especially the young people who were at camp last year. It was nice to see them again.

On Tuesday, I went to a Young Adult Bible study where Pastor's son Aaron led the Bible Study going over the book of Galatians. Everyone participated in the Bible Study and it was very enjoyable and profitable.

On Thursday, Pastor woke me up at 6:30 in the morning to go to Men's Prayer Time. There were only four of us and we all prayed together especially for the upcoming winter camp.
Later that day, I went to an adult Bible study going over the 7 seal judgments, 7 trumpet judgments, and the 7 vial judgments. After that, one man who picked me up from the Bible study took me to lunch at a Vietnamese Restaurant. We had a good conversation and the man shared his salvation testimony how God changed his life over the last 6 years. His testimony has encouraged my heart.

Throughout the week, I enjoyed the food that Mrs. Honeychurch cooks. They treat me very well. I also got to go to their gym a few times which I only had to pay $30 (Australian) for using the gym for the next thirty days as often as I want. I have been doing more observations and hands-on work ministry this week so I had more free time to relax.

Please pray for the camp that is coming up in a week that God will touch the hearts of all who will be in the camp through the preaching of God's word and the shining testimony of all Christians so that we can represent Christ to the unsaved and encourage other believers to continue to live for Christ. Thank you.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

My first week in Adelaide (Sightseeing)

Last year when I went to Australia with the Pensacola Team, we were only in Adelaide for one day. So this year I am going to be in Adelaide for two and a half weeks. I was able to get to see some of the places around Adelaide during my first week. Here are some of the pictures that I have taken.

Granite Island Kaiki

This Rock is a shape of the Snake's Head

Beautiful Sunset in Adelaide

I got to see some amazing high views of Adelaide as well as some beautiful beaches. I hope enjoyed these pictures.