Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wentworth Bible Club (Monday, 7/16-Friday, 7/20)

Hello, thanks for praying for the Holiday Bible Club. We had up twenty kids that came to this Holiday Bible Club. Overall, the children enjoyed learning more about God, the Bible, and the Christian life and one child received Christ as her personal Savior. I thank God for all the staff members from church who helped out with the Bible Club. Pastor Steve and Traver helped out setting up the enthusiastic atmosphere of the Holiday Bible Club. We had one lady who started come to church recently who made plenty of good food. We were all impressed by the food. One of the food she made was bread with butter and Vegemite (made in Australia) and I enjoyed vegemite because I ate her sandwiches. The kids enjoyed also the games, the crafts, the camp theme cheer, and the songs.

They also enjoyed Cody the Bear as well.

Although it was hard for not having the Pensacola team to help out with the Bible Club, the Lord still blessed the Bible Club for what we had. Thanks again for your prayers. I am heading home soon. Although I do enjoy staying in Australia, I am ready to go back home in the states.

Pray for Traver, Amy, and I as we are about to head back to America on Monday for travel safety and God will opportunities to witness to others. Thanks again.

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