Sunday, July 8, 2012

Longwood Camp (Monday, 7/2-Friday, 7/6)

We camped in Longwood Camp on the Adelaide hills at Mylor, South Australia.

The camp has been amazing. There were about 60-70 people at camp. We got to play some games, see some sheep, kangaroos, and wallabies. We also played some games such as Capture the Flag, ‘Flashlight’, Uno, or Table Tennis. Also, the Lord worked in our lives through the camp. That week, Evangelist Fraser Young preached through the book of Judges. Three teenagers received Christ as their personal Savior (two of them were in my cabin). Also, many others made a renewed commitment to the Lord this week at camp.

I personally enjoyed the preaching and the fellowship that I had with these Christians. I recognized many of the campers from Winter Camp last year I was excited to spend time with them again just as they were excited to see me again.

Traver and Amy Freeman were also at camp. Both of them came to Australia with the Pensacola Team in 2009 and 2010. They are planning to go to be missionaries in Australia. They are planning to get on the field by 2015.
Kangimo, myself, Traver, and Amy
Evangelist Fraser Young

I thank God for Pastor Brenton Honeychurch and everyone else who camp to the camp. I thank God for the parents who allow their children to come to camp. I thank God for the cooks who made great camp food. I thank God for everyone else helped out such as the cabin camps who led the devotions in the cabin, and for Brett who led the services and the games. I also thanked everyone who has prayed for us for the camp. God has blessed the Great Spirit we had at camp. The bonfire on Thursday was the highlight at the camp. We got to sing, talk, pray, and share testimonies with one another.

The camp is over. I am going back to Mildura from Adelaide. Farewell Southwest Baptist Church! Part 2 of my Internship is complete. The Last part my trip is working with Holiday Bible Club with Pastor Steve Maldoff.

Prayer Requests:
  1. Preparation of Holiday Bible Club
  2. God would bring children that will draw closer to Him through the Bible Club.
  3. My Teen Bible Study on Philippians this Wednesday 7/11.
Thank you Pastor and Mrs. Honeychurch

Thanks for your prayers. (Coming Soon….The lessons that I have learned thus far in Australia)

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