Monday, July 16, 2012

Back to Mildura in Preparation for Holiday Bible Club (Saturday, 7/7-Sunday 7/15)

I got to hang out with Traver and Amy the day after we came back from camp for some down time for a few days. On Monday, we slept over the other church family's home. They gave us a tour around the farm. This was my second tour in the farm. But this time I got to see sheep, hundreds of them.

This is also a sheep...what's left of it anyways.

From that day forward, it was work time. We all worked hard to prepare for the Holiday Bible Club which was less than a week a away. We had the room available on the Saturday before the Holiday Bible Club to set up all the props. We are doing a camp theme this year.

For those of you who do not know about Holiday Bible Club, it is a time where kids get to sing songs, play games, make crafts, eat snacks, listen to the Bible lesson, and earn points to get prizes. And we do all these things from Monday to Friday. We want to kids to come out the Bible club to hear God's word, have some fun, and to hear more about Murray River Baptist Church and their weekly Bible club that they do throughout the year.

I appreciate your prayers for the Holiday Bible Club...

  • That we will be prepared each day to run the program.
  • That kids will come, have fun, and learn more about the Bible.
  • That kids will get saved and commit their lives unto the Lord.
Finally on Sunday, I got to preach  on the message about comfort. If you want to listen my sermon. Here is the link. I hope this message would be an encouragement. It was certainly a encouragement to the congregation.

I am excited about this last week. I do look forward to come back home in America. Thank you so much for your care, your support, and your prayers.

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