Thursday, May 31, 2012

Over-viewing the Various Ministries (Monday, 5/28-Thursday, 5/31)

Hello again from Australia,

I thank God for the various opportunities that I get to serve to these children and teenagers in various ministries.  Here is a brief overview of the various ministries I was in.

Monday-Wentworth Bible Club

I stayed with Pastor Maldoff's house that day to prepare my animal story for Bible Club.. I had to make a Powerpoint Presentation as visual for my story so the children could follow along the story. There were five of us that worked with the Bible Club including Pastor Maldoff and I. There were ten children in the Bible club. Pastor Maldoff gave the lesson about the overview of the Big Problem of sin and the Big Promise of coming of the Messiah. We have this Bible club running every Monday and in the last week of my trip, we are going to have a five day of Bible Club with the kids.

Tuesday-Mildura Christian College (Observed)

I rode on the car with Pastor Steve Maldoff to the Christian school. I was in school for the whole time and I watched Pastor Maldoff teach all the Bible classes from the Kindergarteners all the way up to grade 10. Every Tuesday he teaches four classes and the Kindergarten class was personally my favorite class mainly because I enjoyed watching how he teaches the class :) (He was very energetic and humorous). I will be teaching in one of these classes next semester. I did recognize a lot of students from last year.

Wednesday-Gol Gol Public School (Observed)

I got to observe two classes in this public school both taught by Pastor Steve Maldoff. He taught first a second grade class and then another sixth grade class. I liked the sixth grade class because the kids seem to be interested in the Bible lesson which is in this case the reasons why Pastor Maldoff believes that Christ is resurrected from the dead which is true. I will also be teaching a class in a public school either at Gol Gol or at Buronga.

Wednesday-Teen Bible Study

Today was my first day I led my Bible Study. I am going over in the series of the book of Philippians. There were five people in my Bible study today including Pastor's oldest daughter Sarah. The Lord blessed the Bible study. One of the teens said to me that she was encouraged by the teen Bible study. Praise the Lord.


I got to clean the storage room that Mrs. Maldoff use. I worked in that room all afternoon. The Maldoffs appreciate me for taking the opportunity to clean up the storage room. After that, I spent the rest of the night babysitting the three Maldoff's girls while their parents are in a meeting for foster parents. Overall, today has been a relaxing day for me. But I have a lot of things to prepare for this upcoming week. Thanks for your prayers.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ministry Begins (Friday, 5/25-Monday, 5/27)

All Friday, I spent my time with the Maldoffs. That evening, we had a Teen Bible Study at one of the teen's house. Steve Maldoff gave a 20-25 minute devotion about the four reasons why we should pray for our food. We should pray for our food because 1) Jesus did, 2) God provided the food for us, 3) Jesus' sacrifice sets us free from the eating rules of the Mosaic law (not eating many meat), and 4) God created the food for us. I led the games that evening and we all had a lot of fun with games.

This Sunday, we had National Australia Thanksgiving Holiday. We had a special service that day about a reminder of thanksgiving. I want to give you a small challenge to write a letter or an email to one person that God used to impact your life. Tell him or her thank you for how they have impacted your life.

I am now preparing my animal story for tomorrow (Monday) at Wentworth Holiday Bible Club. Pray for me for the preparation of the this story and that it will be well presented. Pray for the program that it will go smoothly this Monday and that the hearts of the kids will open to God.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I am Here!

Thank you for your prayers. The Lord got me safely to Australia yesterday (Wed., 5/23). Also, I was able witness to some people such as my airplane seat buddies by giving them my prayer card as well as a gospel brocure. Pray that the Lord will continue to open their hearts for their need of Christ. One of my airplane seat buddies was a Christian from Australia. She just graduated from college in America and she was just flying back home in Melbourne. We had a good conversation together and shared each other's salvation testimony and our future plans. She even drew a street map for me in Melbourne since I told her that I had a 7-hour layover in Melbourne. Because of my long layover, I was able to go to do some sightseeing at Melbourne. The weather was cool and breezy. I enjoyed my travel and while I was there.

When got to Mildura, Pastor Steve Maldoff picked me and took me to his house. I helped him set up for church on Wednesday and then I waited in the house for a family to pick me up. I am staying at one of the familes from Maldoff's church Murray River Baptist Church for this first week. I had a good sleep last night. This morning Pastor Steve Maldoff picked me up and he and his wife Christy Maldoff gave me a schedule what I will be doing for the first three weeks while I am here in Mildura. For the first week I will be observing the following ministries: Sunday Service, Wentworth Bible Club (Monday), Mildura Christian College which is a Christian School from Kindergarten to 10th Grade (Tuesday), a Public School (Wednesday), and Teen Bible Study (Wednesday evening). Then for the next two weeks I will be teaching in all these ministries so I will be doing a lot of preparing and teaching. Pray for me that God will prepare me to teach to all these kids and that they will be attentive and receptive of what they will be hearing from God's word.

After that I went with Steve Maldoff out to various malls to go renew a phone and a wireless internet USB drive for me. I also did a little grocery shopping on what I may be eating for the next week or so. This evening, Steve, Christy, and their eldest daugther Sarah went to a meeting about being foster parents. So they let me in charge on babysitting their two younger daughters Emily and Abigail. First, Abigail and I did a puzzle together. Then, we three watched a movie together in the house. After that, we played video games together just before their bedtime. Every Thursday, both Steve and Christy will be out of the house Thursday evening for the meetings so I will be babysitting them every Thursday. Today was a lot of fun. This is the puzzle that Abigail and I did together.

Monday, May 21, 2012

My Australia Journey Begins...

I begin my journey from Philadelphia to Los Angeles at 5:55 PM on Monday. It will take me twenty-nine hours to get to my final destination to Mildura. Pray for me for good rest and safety as well as for me taking the opportunity to witness while I fly to Australia. I am very excited.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Just Two Days Away. . .

Thanks for praying for me. The Lord has blessed me donations from several friends and family. My mom transferred all my money to the Maldoffs just this past Friday. Pray that the money will be in their bank. Also, I am going to preach  this Sunday evening at my home church First Baptist Church of Southard. I appreciate your prayers for that evening as well.

Also I want to share a verse with you with a challenge. This verse challenges me as well daily.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. -Romans 1:16

I want to challenge you to take many opportunities to tell others about Jesus Christ and the gospel message wherever you go. God can use you even by giving a gospel tract (brochure) to a cashier from wall-mart or leaving it on the table as a tip for the waiter/waitress in a local restaurant (make sure you give him a good tip). Do not be afraid to share the gospel. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. The gospel changes people's lives just as it changes ours. Go and tell others about Jesus!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Good News from the Maldoff's

Here is a letter from the Maldoff's family of how the Lord is using this church lately for this one man who came to Christ.

Greetings all!

With this update, I want to share a tremendous blessiing.  It is going to be about the salvation of a gentleman that many have worked with for MANY, MANY years.  After all this time, and much prayer, we are able to rejoice in his salvation.

The gentleman is the husband of someone who attends our church.  I knew this guy when we moved into town, and though he would attend church with his Christian wife, he would always remain adamently against Christianity.  Much prayer was lifted up on his behalf.  I have personally tried for many years in opening up conversations regarding Christ, but he would always just say that "he couldn't see it".  He was a newspaper reporter and he would always state that his investigative sense would always make him go against Christianity/spiritual things/ God, etc. 
I tried giving books like "Case for Christ" written by a former investigative reporter for him to consider, but even after reading he would reject it all.   Throughout all of this, his wife would faithfully attend church, and serve the Lord.  Our church so desired to see this man come to understand his need for Jesus.  Of course, all souls are precious, but if we are honest, there are some that we really desire to come to the Lord a bit more passionately.

In December 2011, this man lost his job at the newspaper.  He, of course, was devastated.  I met with him for coffee one day, and talked to him about how the church would help with some food items for the family with the now loss of income.  He was extremely touched by this.  We chatted about his need for a new job, but with the Christimas holidays happening (he lost his job Dec. 21), he didn't see anything happening until the new year at the earliest.  Yet, he was going to put out job applications so that he would "be on file".

That afternoon after he returned home from our lunch, he received a phone call from a newspaper in Melbourne.  They wanted to talk with him about a possible job opening.  Of course, the man was excited and he rang me.  I told him, that if the Lord was to allow him to get a job so quickly, that he needed to remember the verse found in Romans 2:4 "or despisest thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?"  I told him that if God was to bestow His goodness by allowing this gentleman to get a job so quickly, that he needed to recognize that God is good to us so that people can be drawn to Him with a heart of repentance. 

A week later, and he got hired at this job, which was better paying and a better position.  I met with him again and reminded him of the verse.  He shared with me that he recognized that this could not be a coincidence, but that it had to be something much more than that.  He would entertain the thought of God. 

In continuing to chat with this man over the months that past, it was quite noticeable that this man kept pondering about God, and his own need for Jesus.  This led to last week, where I was talking to him and he mentioned something about his "Christian duty".  I paused and asked him why would he talk about him doing something out of a Christian duty, and he confessed that he has come to realize that there is a God that is personally interested in him, loves him, and so desires a relationship with him.  He recognizes that that relationship is built in the work of Jesus Christ.  And he wanted to enter into the work of Christ for him. 
When I heard this, you can imagine the JOY that I experienced.  It was so exciting to hear this testimony!  He couldn't share it without tears in his own eyes.  This was one of those pieces of news that the entire church rejoiced in, as they all shared in praying for this gentleman.

I know it is a lengthy story of this man, whom you will never know this side of eternity.  But rejoice with me that you will one day get to know this man when we are all together in Heaven.  We are so thankful for the goodness of God that brought one to repentance!!!!

Until next time,

Steven Maldoff

Prayer Needs

In about six days, I will be flying out of the country to Australia. During this week, there are some things I would like for you all to pray for me.

  • Pray that my heart, mind, mouth, and actions will be right with the Lord so that He may use me effectively both now and in Australia.
  • Pray for God's guidance for final preparations.
  • Pray for the people's hearts in Australia (both believers and non-believers) to be opened.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Graduated Finally!

I thank my God upon every rememberance of you,
-Philippians 1:3

It is hard to believe that I have graduated at Pensacola Christian College after being there for four years. I thank God for the opportunity to be in this atmosphere which helped me grow closer to the Lord and allowed me to make several good Christian friends. Also, this trip would not be possible if I did not come to this Christian College. I thank God for all who had partake helping this mission trip. In less than two weeks, I will flying back to Australia to begin my two-month mission trip. Pray for me that I would use this time to make final preparations for this trip. Thank you all for your prayers.